Thursday, August 28, 2014

Meat today is the new asbestos, more murderous than tobacco...

We torture or kill 2 billion sentient beings every week
90% of small fish are ground up into pallets to feed our livestock
Although vegetarian, cows today are the world's largest ocean 
We torture and kill 2 billion sentient being every week
90% of small fish are ground up to feed livestock
Although vegetarian, cows today are the world's largest ocean predators
Billions of chicks get ground up alive, simply because they are male
10.000 entire species are wiped our every year because of one
50.000 litres of water are needed to produce 1kg of red beef
(Philip Wollen)

Philip Wollen is an Australian Philantropist, a former vice president of Citybank, which he left to dedicate his life to animal rights movement. He initiated Earthlings - an award winning documentary about society's tragic and unforgivable use of non human animals that are suffering for food, fashion, pets, entertainment and medical research. 

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